Names Without Graves, Graves Without Names (Elsham Papua-July 1999)
Elsham, a local human rights organization, produced a 69 page report in Indonesian about the massacre titled “Names Without Graves, Graves Without Names.” The report called for an international investigation, but no human rights organizations followed up on their call. This report has a preliminary list of people who were killed, wounded, or disappeared on...
Human Rights Commission to Police Chief: Locate the Body of Ruben Orboi (July 20th, 1998)
Ruben Orboi was the first victim of the Biak massacre whose identity was reported in the news media. Octovianus Mote first broke this story in Kompas newspaper. This article from Suara Pembaruan Daily is an official call from the Indonesian government’s own human rights commission, to find Ruben’s body, which had been disappeared. SUARA PEMBARUAN...